Report: Reducing health-related risks and financial costs within the energy sector


Operating in remote and challenging environments, offshore energy companies face high costs and significant risks in ensuring safe and efficient operations. However, by adopting a proactive healthcare risk management approach, offshore companies can go beyond traditional measures to further mitigate risks, enhance operational efficiency, and contain costs. This comprehensive approach represents a transformative opportunity for offshore companies to elevate workforce health and safety while achieving measurable improvements in cost containment and productivity.


Webinar: Reduce health-risks and financial costs

Register now to join Dr. Laurent Bonnardot, Medical Doctor & Co-Founder of MyC, as he takes us through the findings from MyC's latest industry report.  

Dr. Bonnardot will be speaking in-depth on these findings, as well as the energy industry and MyC. Join him in this pre-recorded webinar, available for you to watch on-demand.

Dr. Laurent Bonnardot
Chairman & Co-founder

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